If you are an IHSS recipient and have questions about a letter you received from California Department of Social Services (CDSS) regarding MediCal Share of Cost (SOC) please contact the California Department of Social Services at the toll free number for more information 1-877-508-1327.
Applying for IHSS
Consumers, family, friends, physicians, or anyone who has knowledge about a consumer’s needs can make a referral to IHSS.
- When calling to apply, it is helpful to have the following information:
- Social security number
- Telephone number
- Income and assets information
- Your health information, including doctor’s name and telephone number
After an initial telephone screening, an IHSS social worker will come to your home and talk with you about your service needs. The Social Worker’s in-home needs assessment determines which services are needed and how frequently. The Social Worker authorizes, increases, decreases, and terminates services for the IHSS consumer based on “needs assessment” and yearly reassessments. State law establishes the standards for the types of services and the hours of services that can be authorized.
Who is Eligible?
People who are disabled, blind, or 65 years of age and disabled, who are unable to live safely in their own home without help, and are financially unable to purchase the needed services are eligible for IHSS.

Client Registry Services
IHSS eligible recipients can hire one or more people to provide their care. The IHSS Public Authority Registry can assist with finding a provider. A computer-generated list of caregivers is provided to clients according to location, personal care needs, work schedule and other job-related preferences. The client interviews, hires and supervises the caregiver they choose.
The Registry Services and referral lists are free for all individuals who have been approved for In-Home Supportive Services.
Clients Forms
Client Services
Recruiting and Screening IHSS Caregivers
Locating caregivers can be a difficult process. The Registry recruits and pre-screens providers prior to making them available to be referred out to clients.

Access to a Database of Available Caregivers
Registry providers are required to update their information on a monthly basis to report any changes in address, telephone number or days available to work. When providers update their information, this helps the Public Authority maintain a database of available caregivers to refer out to clients.
Potential Caregivers Interview Assistance
Public Authority Social Workers help clients with Interview Assistance by phone or in their own home. The Public Authority helps clients understand the process of reviewing the list of names, scheduling interviews, selecting, hiring, employing, supervising and if necessary, firing the providers.

Back-Up Provider System
The Back-Up Provider System provides temporary, immediate services to eligible IHSS consumers who are in urgent need of personal care services and do not have an IHSS provider.
To Qualify for BUPS Services, you must be an eligible IHSS recipient and meet (1) one of the below criteria
- Be in the process of being discharged from an out-of-home care facility, such as a hospital, without any in-home care assistance.
- Have an urgent need related to personal care services that cannot be met by an existing provider.
- Your regular provider becomes unexpectedly unavailable.
The Back-Up Provider System provides services up to 80 hours per fiscal year (July 1st-June 3oth). Schedule and length of services will be based on your approved IHSS hours. BUPS hours are not additional to your approved IHSS hours. The 80 hours are deducted from the recipients current approved IHSS/WPCS hours.
If you need an emergency BUPS provider, please click the “Request Info” button below to begin the process or contact your local San Bernardino County IHSS office and speak with an IHSS Social Worker to submit your referral.