Become an IHSS Provider
The Public Authority has a recruitment staff dedicated to recruiting caring and hard working individuals to meet the needs of IHSS client’s. We are aware that the IHSS client needs to have a choice about who they employ. Through the Public Authority’s recruitment efforts, we are insuring that each IHSS client has the opportunity to interview several providers before they make their selection.
The Public Authority’s recruiting includes visiting local colleges, vocational schools, community job fairs, churches, senior centers and other events where we are likely to find quality individuals interested in sharing their time and skills. The recruitment staff also utilizes the IHSS orientations, this website, postal mailings, event speaking and word of mouth to inform potential providers of available opportunities.

What is the Provider Registry?
The Public Authority Registry is a program that brings together people who need care in their own homes with those who want to provide that care. The Public Authority Registry can help put you in touch with individuals with disabilities and/or elderly Consumers who need help to live safe and independently in their homes. The Registry is a service that includes recruiting and pre-screening IHSS providers, helping clients with interview assistance and referring Registry providers to IHSS clients.
Provider Forms
*Attention providers, please call to verify the sessions listed are still taking place since the schedule is subject to change.
Provider Services
Criminal Background Investigation Division (CBI)
The role of the Criminal Background Investigation (CBI) Division is to process all background checks submitted to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for IHSS and Public Authority providers. CBI receives and enters live scan forms that are submitted by providers once they have been fingerprinted. The Live Scan Forms help the CBI unit track which providers have been fingerprinted and also help provide the contact information for the providers once their background checks come back from the Department of Justice.
In addition, CBI receives and reviews all background checks received from the Department of Justice.
- Please note there is no exact turnaround timeframe for the DOJ. Usually, if there are NO issues it should take from 10-45 days.
- If a provider has ever been arrested then there will probably be a Delay which may cause a delay of 6months or more.

Enrollment Process
The Enrollment Division will link the client’s selected provider to the IHSS case in order to be paid. The process can take up to 30 days after the provider has met all of the enrollment requirements.
Employment Verification Requests
Requests for employment verification for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) providers are received in all offices of the Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) and processed centrally at the Public Authority. The Public Authority regularly processes requests for verification of IHSS provider employment and income. IHSS provider employment verification is requested for various reasons, which may include:
- Unemployment benefits,
- Disability benefits,
- Financial transactions, and
- Application for or continuance of benefits under Transitional Assistance Department (TAD) programs.
IHSS providers may request this information by completing the PA IHSS 620 – Employment Verification
Request form. The form is to be returned to the Public Authority via:
- Fax to 909-927-4177
- Email to
- Dropped off at the nearest IHSS office to the attention of Employment Verification
- A copy of your ID must be accompanied with your submission in order for your request to be processed.
- On –the-spot and same-day EV requests cannot be processed.
- The PA does not provide verbal EV information to outside agencies unless an EV form has been previously completed or a release of information has been received.

Workers’ Compensation
The Public Authority is responsible for processing initial workers’ compensation claims and authorizing the first medical consultation for all San Bernardino County IHSS caregivers.
IHSS caregivers are responsible for reporting work-related injuries to the Public Authority.
If you are injured at work, you must report the injury by calling 866-985-6322 (extension #3) or in person by visiting your local Public Authority office.